This page provides guidance as to the purpose of the site, and how to use it. If you cannot find what you are looking for here,
please Contact Us about the issue directly and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
The "Butterflies I've Seen" web site allows you to keep track of all of your butterfly sightings. Once you enter your sightings, you can retrieve them by location,
by date, or by species. You can export a list of all the butterfly species you've ever seen - a Life List, or you can export a list of all the butterfly
species you've ever seen at a particular location. At the same time, the sightings you enter provide important information that NABA, the North American
Butterfly Association, will use to help answer scientist's questions about butterfly distributions, abundance, and conservation. Enjoy the site and the fact that your
efforts are increasing our knowledge and helping butterfly conservation.